FFD - Flavours Food Design
FFD stands for Flavours Food Design
Here you will find, what does FFD stand for in Event Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Flavours Food Design? Flavours Food Design can be abbreviated as FFD What does FFD stand for? FFD stands for Flavours Food Design. What does Flavours Food Design mean?The Event Management company falls under events services category and is located in Bucharest, Bucuresti.
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Alternative definitions of FFD
- Free from disability
- Fairfield Communities, Inc.
- Fighting Force Diablo
- Financing for Development
- flame failure device
- Fairford airport
- Fund of the Four Directions
- functional flow diagram
View 62 other definitions of FFD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FAAFCU FAA Federal Credit Union
- FGA First Group America
- FCS Full Circle Services
- FHS Fenton High School
- FGT Flashpoint at Georgia Tech
- FBS Fiona Bruce Solicitors
- FZCPD Frank Zeidler Center for Public Discussion
- FSA Fresco Systems Australasia
- FNPL Frontier Networks Pty Ltd
- FNG Friday Night Glory
- FPFC First Pioneer Farm Credit
- FBCK First Baptist Church of Keller
- FLAG Fred Leeds Asset Group
- FTN Fruit Tech Natural
- FBD First Bank of Dalton
- FFA Full Fat Agency
- FCSN Firefighters Cancer Support Network
- FCBLNE Futures Collegiate Baseball League of New England
- FHSI Florida Handling Systems Inc
- FHG Family Health Group